Installation of natural tiles
The superiority of natural tiles
Experience 20 years.. Objects in Russia and abroad.
Advantages are manifested at all stages of roofing. Tile weight is an advantage, not a disadvantage. Ease of installation and ease of use surprise and make you respect. Analysis and calculation destroy the myth of the need to create an ultra-strong rafter system. The difference is about 15 – 20%.
Preparing the roof for laying tiles does not require additional costs. For counter-battens, battens require the same amount of lumber as for metal tiles. The difference in cross section. For massive tiles, a 50 * 50 bar is used, and this is a plus, because the rigidity of the flooring increases. There are several ways to mount valleys. You can see the latest instructions here.
A square meter of tile weighs 40 – 50 kilograms – this ensures good shrinkage of the house, a good fit of logs to each other, helps to avoid hanging logs on the gables. In the event of deformations, during shrinkage processes in wooden houses, natural tiles have a backlash that makes it possible to move without violating the integrity of the roof.
Massive shingles are the most convenient to use. In the event of a breakdown of one tile, no additional efforts are needed – you can easily remove the damaged one and put a new one. Cement-sand tiles do not fade in the sun, resistant to strong winds, hurricanes. In our experience, in most cases, the tile bursts from mechanical stress – something fell, or someone stepped on. The tile simply lies under its weight, it is attached with screws only along the perimeter of the roof or in special cases.
For movement on the roof does not require special devices. The cement-sand tile slowly heats up and cools down slowly, with a large temperature difference in the morning, it does not condensate, does not “cry”. Additional elements are easily mounted – snow retention, ventilation penetrations, gutter system.
The strength and durability of genuine tiles have been tested by time: during the excavations of cities of the Roman Empire many found perfectly preserved parts of tiled roofs, which fit again to be put on the roofs of houses.
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